Buzz And The Dandelions

May 25, 2015

Every kid has their first time in everything. First time watching their parents. First time seeing a dog. First time playing with play-dough. And the list goes on and on. This is no exception to Buzz, a toddler who had his first encounter with dandelions! Father of the child, Tom Fletcher, a guitarist to the English band McFly, Youtuber, and an author, brought his son Buzz to the field and recorded his son's reaction when he saw his dad blew the dandelion. Later he uploaded it on his Youtube channel and within 24 hours, the video literally goes viral and has already been viewed by more than 500 000 viewers! It is not surprising to me as the adorable Buzz's laughter is hilarious! Who can ever resist a cute child's laughter! (definitely not me). Watch the video below and let me know your thoughts about it in the comments section. Till then, au revoir! :)

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