
Alert!Alert!Stalker Detected!

Oh My Freaking Gosh!Someone stalked my test paper;nonetheless,I didn't realise it at all!You can't blame me though,as I's busy completing my papers.After the exams,several of my friends told me,that the guy sitting beside me actually copied my answer,and...his results were,simply,O.M.G. great!(Curse you to hell!)When I glanced him during the exams,he looked serene and he slept(actually,he's pretending to sleep,WTH!)and soo,I ignored him and continued...

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Katy Perry-Firework

Hmmm....it's a very nice song.One of Teenage Dream singer,Katy Perry's songs,namely Firework.She's sending a message via her song:empower yourself and embrace your inner fireworkIt's genuinely an inspiring song...Firework LyricsDo you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting through the wind, wanting to start again?Do you ever feel, feel so paper thinLike a house of cards, one blow from caving in?Do you ever feel already...

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What if I'm...

What if I'm as rich as Bill Gates?What if I'm as smart as Albert Einstein?What if I'm as hot as Zac Efron?What if I'm as gorgeous as Taylor Swift?What if...These statements all to often remind us about the lack of appreciation on our life.Few weeks ago,a good friend of mine stated this statement:"What if I'm as intelligent as you?"*Sighed*In my humble opinion,what he...

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Auf Wiedersehen to Paul the Octopus!

Gee,at last I've time to update my blog.For the past two weeks,it's like hell!Can you imagine two weeks hardcore studying to sit for the examinations?I'm currently tired,as well as SLEEPY!Anyway,let's get back our main topic.Yup,the paul has died...=(..."The World Cup physic" was found dead peacefully in his tank.Nothing fishy about its death as it's reported to die of natural causes.What a great loss...

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Today Is Just Not My Day!

What's matter with today!What can be worse than this?Gosh,it's just an unlucky day for me...First,I hand in my form to wrong teacher which I'm supposed to hand it in to the PRINCIPAL....2 DAYS AGO!What can I do?The teacher was going other place and I was unable to find the teacher and asked her who am I supposed to hand it in.Then,I've made someone...

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A Nerdy Nerd!

My examination will start in a week time and I'm kinda haven't finished revise!10 subjects in 7 days which last for 2 WEEKS!OMG how am I gonna make it?NO,I'm not a NERD but I wish I were.All the best students love books and I just don't know how and what make them so passionate about reading those piles of books!I'm just an typical...

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Good Luck,PMR Candidates!

Gosh!I know it's a hard time!Sitting for PMR is just like going to hell,am I right?First and foremost,we'll be stress and having hard time for more than a week.Thinking about memorising just make us ... speechless....I still remember when I'd PMR.It's just like going through 7 days of hell and I was superduper nervous!So,always try to calm down.OFF YOUR COMPUTER NOW AND GO...

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Go With Skype!

Recently,I've tried Skype and I found it quite usefull!It not only enable you to chat with your friends,you also can have a video callwith it!It's quite handy for those who are staying quite a part from each other that tend to chat or to have video call.The most important point is...IT"S FREE for SKYPE-TO-SKYPE calls!To satisfy the conditions in order to use Skype,you...

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