
Stop Child Abuse

How far do you know about CHILD ABUSE? According to wikipedia,child abuse refers to physical,sexsual or emotional mistreatment of children.Yet,today I will emphasise on sexual mistreatment of children,as I would never want to see it to happen again.As far as I'm concerned,the acts of sexual abuse have emerged around the world,especially in Asia,regarding on issue of child sex trade.These incidents are frequently occured...

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I'm lost!

It's a LOL story.Today I went to my friend's house and I was lost in his residential area...-.-All the house looked similar;eventhough I'd went there several times.Plus it's raining cats and dogs out there.Then waited for my friend to show me the right way.However he said he'ld only be back later,so my other friend and I went to wait at a park in...

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Taylor Swift-Speak Now

Whatssup bloggers!Today I want to recommend this favourite song of mine ,which is Taylor Swift's single debut song,"Speak Now".This song is very nice but unfortunately I can't embedded it's music video...Sorry guys...=\ Nonetheless,do enjoy the her song!Speak Now LyricsI am not the kind of girl,Who should be rudely bargin' in on a white veiloccasion,But you are not the kind of boy,Who should be...

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Lee Dewyze-Sweet Serendipity

Have you heard the latest single debut song by Lee Dewyze?He's latest single debut,"Sweet Serendipity" was released few weeks ago.Do spend some of your time and listen to this peaceful song...Sweet Serendipity LyricsSweet SerendipityOhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh!I don't got no carAnd I got one pair of jeansThey’ve been stretched too farNow they’re weak at the seamsI can’t say what’s nextAnd I got nothing up my...

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Bizzare Trip To KL!

Sorry for the late update!Few days ago I joined a trip to KL,organised by my school's club.We started our journey about 5am!First and foremost,we went to Planetarium,but instead going there, the no-skill-bus-driver turned to Pusat Sains Negara...-.- Then we went to the Suria KLCC,located just beside KLCC.We had our lunch before proceeding to Petroscience.Later,we went to Timesquare Mall.OMG,all the mall in KL is...

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Can You Spot The Fake?

As far as I'm concerned,many people aren't really able to differenciate between the authentic and fake branded-handbags-Louis Vuitton,Gucci,Chanel,Burberry,Coach, etc.Well,for that particular reason,I've done research on ways to spot the fake Louis Vuitton handbags via Google and Youtube. ...

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Winning Prize!

Yohoo!Today I won a prize,due to an English competition which I participated few days ago.I was rather shocked when my name was called out loud by the teacher during the assembly!First,I thought I won't get top 3.Perhaps lady luck was on my side..=).Although the prize may be only a munchies mini cracker and I got 3rd place(Peanut Flavour),I'm grateful that I actually won...

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One Step Closer To My License...RawR!

Today,I went for my theory test...anddddd....I got 49/50 yippie =)!I'm teribbly happy and overjoyed by my result.Hmm(Although it's just one more to get perfect marks,I'm grateful that I passed the test)...that comp seemed tricky,coz at first I thought I got 42/50 as the number appeared bigger than 49.Actually,I was supposed to sit for the test yesterday,BUT...the feller said the damn internet had no...

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Upcoming License's Theory Test!OMG

OMG...in order to get driving license,I've to sit for the law theory test!And the most scary part is...the test is tomorrow!AHHHH!All I was given was a mini law text book and a workbook-consisting of 500 questions!Yeah,luckily I've done it few days ago and tonight I will just have to revise back few hard questions.BTW,the stupid book has lots of errors!Back to the point,you...

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I know I'm kinda outdated...but I just watched Killers and it's just ...AWESOME.It's a must-watch movie!It's an action plus comedy movie starring ASHTON KUTCHER and KATHERINE HEIGL.Trying to recover from a break,Jen Kornfeldt(Katherine Heigl) senses that she'll never fall in love again.When she reluctantly joined her parents in a trip to France,she meets a dashing guy,Spencer Aimes (Ashton Kutcher)-a Greek God with well-sculptured...

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Swimming Lessons!

Two days ago I went swimming lessons as usual.(I'm just a beginner).The teacher came pretty late but,to my surprised,she brought her children along.And we swam together and I finally able to breathe better while swimming with my froggy style =).Then,the embarrassing moments approached.Just before the swimming lessons ended,the teacher suddenly wanted to held a mini competition!I was like ...Oh Shit!When the competition started,I...

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Creepy Or Funny?

Conversation between a cashier and my friends at a sundry shop:Few days ago,few of my friends asked me..."Do you have a sis working at ___ ?"and I was like"HUH?Fyi I don't really have a sis."OMG!Who's that creepy girl that admitted she's my sis?I'm so freaking confuse(Totally)!Since when I have one?And as far as i remembered,my family don't have a lost sis!I asked my...

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Gossip Girl!

WTH!Just because I missed two episodes od Gossip Girl and it's over?omgosh!Shit you tv station.How isit?How's Chuck?Is he dead?And how's Serena and Nate?How come Serena kissed with Dan?Shit...so many question appearing in my minds now......=.=Checkout Gossip Girl's website HERE and to join Gossip Girl in facebook click HERE!See ya! ...

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Happy Sixteen!

Well Well Well,Happy Birthday to myself...HAHAha...I'm officially sixteen!First and foremost,I'd like to thank everyone who wishes me and do have a good day!I'm currently feeling on top of the world!And do you know what's the best thing that you can do when you reached 16 years old?It's none other than having....motorcycle license!Yeah babe...gonna get you soon!Watch out road,cos here I come!!!Yoohooo! Well Well...

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