
My Earphones

DOB - 15/10/2009DOD - 20/01/2011Goodbye my earphones...you've accompanied me for a year by now.Really appreciate your contribution.When I'm mad boring,you always provide me cool and rock songs.When my hands were busy,you'ld act as my "third hand" to receive call(literally).May you RIP...=\Gosh,these days products are really not as-good-quality as last time...-.- ...

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I got 1st Yipee!

*BOOM*...For the first time in my LIFE,I got 1 in a race.I never thought that I could run that fast.I have set a mindset that I must do the best I could to get first as this is my last year in joining school sports day!I was totally over the moon,albeit I didn't manage to reach the ending in less than 14 seconds.Thruth...

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Happy Thaipusam Day

Woah!Thaipusam just ROCKS TO THE CORE!Just go to the celebration today as a Red Cresent Society Member.The temple is just magnificent!Together with the crowd,it actually makes Thaipusam day better than ever!There's a young bouy who carries a god statue and walks for about 2 kilometer!Bravo to him!I let the pictures do the talk!=) ...

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P License!

Finally I got my P license!After wasting approximately 7 hours(Yeah...7frigging hours!) waiting for my turn,the test took just merely 4 minutes!OMG rite!However,evrything turned out just fine for me!Clement weather,friendly JPJ worker...and *BOOM* I passed all test...YOOHOO!Though my heart was like popping out from my chest,I managed to presevere and the JPJ's said I've done an excellent job!Bravo! =) ...

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Inventing My Own iPad Application for Maxis

WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA OF MINE ?Well,as far as I know,when you're in other state in Malaysia or perhaps other country,I'm genuinely sure that you would't want to miss their local food right?!It would be a waste since you're at a certain place yet you didn't try the local food!Apart from that,if you can't really accept the food,you will sure find the....nearest FAST...

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Those Betong's Food!

DAYYou must try their "wonton noodle" and "kanlao" noodle..It's slurrrrrplicious!Apart from that you must also try the you tiao with curry!NIGHTThailand's food specialty is BBQ and and and TOM YUM soup!Everything is BBQ-ed including squids,fish,crabs,prawns and most surprisingly food that is BBQ-ed ever-the bananas!As for the TOM YUM soup,If you cant eat spicy food-never try this!It tasted like you are crunching the 'cili...

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Back From Betong,Thailand!

I actually went to Betong,Thailand!(First,I thought that I would visit somewhere heart of Thailand yet I was totally wrong!)I guess you don't know where is Betong right?Let me tell ya some information bout it.Betong is located just after Thailand-Perak Border.I know some of you might be wondering..."Eh?Perak is so far from Thailand leh?And we must cross Kedah,Perlis/Kelantan only reach Thailand's Border?" Truth be...

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Heading To THAILAND!

I'm going to the land of Thailand!Yoohoo!Sawadeeekap!Going for two days one night.I've yet figured out which placed am I heading to but I'm 100% sure that it's gonna be an awesome and unforgettable experience.Agitatedly,I'm waiting for tomorrow as I've never gone to Thailand before!Haha...Heard rumors that at Thailand,the clothings are as cheap as dirt!If I've chances,I will definitely go to visit the FLOATING...

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Early 2011

Each year,January turns out to be the busiest month ever!First,I had to arranged the tuition time table,WHICH TURNED OUT TO A MESS!Then,keeping old books and tidy up my mini-library-room wannabe.Fist day to school,quite fresh,and it was a really good start.Friends sitting together and teachers-kinda friendly,most are last year's class teacher...so there was no drama occuring...MOST LOATHED THING ever happen on the first day...

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