
Lights by Ellie Goulding

    UK singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding hits America with her sensational hits,Lights,one of her songs in her  album,Bright Lights.Lights managed to be charted on 3rd place in the Billboard's Hot 100.According to Goulding,the meaning of Lights is- "I named it that because I never used to sleep with the lights off. I still don’t, in fact. They make me feel safe and I...

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55th Merdeka Day-Malaysia!

Nice artwork from Google! :) I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Malaysians Selamat Hari Merdeka!And for those who are born in 31st of August,Happy Birthday!Wow,you guys are so lucky to be born on this merry occasion!And for workers and students,yes!Finally a day off!Cheers  :-) ...

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Taylor Swift's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"

BIC Speed Writing Competition 2012

Quick Update:Went to BIC Speed Writing Competition 2012 Grand Final just now!And guess what....I got Consolation Prize! #yay.although I did not manage to get 1/2/3 prize,I'm lucky enough though as I have to compete with almost 200 candidates from 12 different colleges!happy enough to get consolation prize because there were only 5 consolation prize + 1+2+3 prize.Total up only 8 people get certificates!Won...

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London Olympics 2012 Closing Ceremony

After days of nerve-wracking competitions amongst best of the best athletes from 204 countries each competing for the GOLD Medal,London Olympics 2012 has finally came to an ending!Man,the closing ceremony is no doubt the best and most grandest event I have ever watched!The London Olympics Games was ended with Britain's vibrant worlds of art, music and fashion,eras by eras as well as celebrating...

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Olympics Diving-Men10m Platform Finals!

James Connor Tom Daley Victor Minibaev Bo Qiu Sascha Klein Riley McCormick   Have you forced yourself to wake up in the middle of the night and watch the Olympics Diving-Men 10m Platform?*For ASEANS time zone which happened to be 2am at Malaysia!*It's totally worth it man!Awesome performances by awesome divers;Tom Daley(Britain),James Connor(Australia),Matthew Mictcham(Australia),Qiu Bo(China).Lin Yue(China),David Boudia(US),Martin Wolfram(Germany),Riley McCormick(Canada) and the likes.I've been...

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Olympic Record Breaker&Gold Medalist,Shiwen Ye!

Ye Shiwen,16,from Hangzhou,China,emerged as gold medalist in London 2012 Olympic Women Swimming.Besides,she even smashed the world record in the women's 400-meter individual medley with the time of 4.28.43 seconds.This merely meant she even surpassed US gold medalist men swimmer;Michael Phelps' and Ryan Lochte's fastest record.This extraordinary 16 years old swimmer indicated her remarkable achievements were the fruits of her efforts!However,doubts were raised the...

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