
Life Of Pi

Life Of Pi is aired in cinemas today!And the most intriguing part is,the director of the movie is none other than Academy Award winning director  Ang Lee!This American adventure drama film is based on Yann Martel's 2011 novel of similar title.Piscine Molitor Patel,or Pi Patel,is an immigrant from India living in Canada.When Pi is 16,his father has decided to  close their zoo and...

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Joe Brooks' A Reason To Swim

While I was surfing the internet,I found out the amazing singer of the song,"Holes Inside",which is by  Joe Brooks!Joe Brooks,(born May 18, 1987) a British singer,started out his singing career via myspace when he was 17.He gained popularity when releasing two independent EPs through the site.Joe was labelled as "Number 1 Unsigned UK Artist" on MySpace by 2008.I find the his songs are...

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Lunch at Jogoya Restaurant!

Courtesy from Kejia After one and a half month of agony,AS Level Exam is finally over!Once the last paper has ended,the exam hall was filled with nothing but smiles and laughter.Everyone was relieved and the gloomy mood was instantaneously turned into a cheerful ones.Right after the exam,my classmates and I have decided to celebrate by having brunch at the famous Jogoya Restaurant at...

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DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand

Dont know what to do with the cardboard boxes in your house?Creatively,you can convert them into LAPTOP-STAND! #gogreen From mashable.com,I found out that you can actually cut out the laptop cardboards and make them into cheap yet useful and effective laptop-stand.You can also decorate the laptop stand in your own way to beautify it!Get the template sheet HERE . For more information,check out...

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President Barak Obama Wins Election!

Taken from newsone.com It has been a exhausting week.I have just sat for Biology practical,Thinking Skills and Maths paper in just 1 week!Anyway left 3 AS papers to go!Back to the topic,President Barack Obama wins! #yay .After a close votes between Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama;alas,Mr Obama won the election by 332 electoral colleges,surpasses Mitt Romney of 206. President Obama will...

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Happy 18th Birthday

Finally I am 18.Free and legal #excitement.If you think that i will spend my day at clubs/bars/drinking alcohol/watching movies/parties/hanging out with friends/etc...NO.you're totally WRONG.I cant believe myself either.But yes,I am spending my one very special day with Mr Mathematics Mr Chemistry Ms Biology Ms Thinking Skills  Stop showing that weird face.I know,sounds total nerd,but my birthday lies in the middle of Cambridge AS...

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