
Missed Birthday Celebration!

Courtesy of rhodescomm.com Say What?!Instead of celebrating Jimmy's birthday surprise at 6,I was 'surprisingly' having a so-called 'short nap' from 5 to 7!I did not even realise my phone was ringing incessantly,and....I totally missed the surprise party.Blame myself for sleeping!Right now I feel so bad and wish I could travel back to the past ( 2 hours ago).I am truly sorry Jimmy and...

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 Something interesting seems to be happening today in my life.Almost to the extreme mode I should say.It all started early in the morning,while I was still lying on bed sleeping like a guy who has never sleep for a long time..I have been sleeping for 12 hours!Probably that explains why I consistently having nightmares!You know which type of dream is the most horrifying...

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Happy Thaipusam Day!

Courtesy of facebook.com/SonyMalaysia Dearest Hindus' friends,all I want to do is to wish all of you Happy Thaipusam Day.Allow me to share some facts with you.Thaipusam is actually the combination of both the name of the month Thai,as well as the name of a star,Pusam.The Pusam is at its peak point during this festival day!So what does this festival means?Actually,it commemorates the occasion...

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Cambridge AS Level Results Day

Okay guys ,its a happy news that I wanted to share here!Two days ago,I was seriously nervous about my AS result.Guess that it was just a false alarm.I did not even expected to get such results!Quite satisfied with the result!To all those who got excellent results,Congratulations!Nevertheless,for those who are not that fortunate ones,its alright ,there are still chances waiting for you!Fret not,you can...

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Nervous Nervous Nervous

It's official that Cambridge AS Level RESULT will be out in 17 hours.Feeling so nervous and scary at the same time.Tomorrow is the day.Everything will change.Good or otherwise.Wish me luck.And too all who are taking AS result tomorrow, best of luck.Au revoir. ...

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Sharifah Zohra Says Listen Listen Listen!

On 8th of December,University Utara Malaysia (UUM) in Sintok,Kedah had held a forum entitled “Seiringkah mahasiswa dan politik?” (Are undergraduates and politics aligned?) This video of Sharifah Zohra Jabeen,President of organisation Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia (SW1M) openly a law student,Bawani KS who asked why the government is unable to offer free education to its citizen as well as matters concerning Bersih rally.I shall...

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Kate Middleton's First Official Portrait

 Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Middleton aka Kate Middleton,with husband Prince William had visited the National Portrait Gallery in London.They were there to look at the unveiling of her very first official portrait, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge,by the award winning Glasgow-born, South African-raised artist Paul Emsley.Kate Middleton praised  the portrait of hers "absolutely brilliant" while Prince William said that it was "absolutely beautiful".What...

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Courtesy of loyarburuk.com Courtesy of beritasemasa.com Salut!So what is the purpose of KL112?What is it actually?That is the question which I wanted to ask...and heck yes I have tried to search via the Google yet the only thing I found were tons of pictures of a mass rally at the Stadium Merdeka.So I went to ask friends instead and finally got the point...

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Insidious 2010

 Right,few weeks ago,I was staying over at my cousin's.It was middle of a cold night,and thunderstorms were approaching.I was getting prepared to burn the midnight oil (which is normal for a college student.nothing weird okay). Before getting started, I told myself to have some entertainment (procrastinate) for 10 minutes!So I decided to watch television and as usual I dragged asked my little cousins...

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Commencement Of Cambridge A Level Semester 3

2013 is going to be an awesome year! courtesy of andthenwesaved.com  Today happens to be the last day of Semester 2 break,which means semester 3 will begin tomorrow.It's already 2013,so get over with 2012 holidays!Alright,first half of the year is going to be a tough one as A2 approaches.Nah,I think it is just a matter of perspective.On the bright side,i am going to...

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I Knew You Were Trouble

 Heya!Its 2013!New Year!New post!LOL.Taylor Swift she is!One of her songs in Red album,"I Knew You Were Trouble" is just so amazing and different from her previous songs.Rumor has it(Confirmed) that the song is actually about her current beau,One Direction's Harry Styles!Taylor told Harry it's about him.She references flying around America following One Direction's tour in the song.However,in my opinion,I think that was just...

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Happy New Year 2013!

How time flies!One moment it is the early 2012,and after a blink of the eyes,2012 is coming to a close and 2013 is here!.Definitely a lot of things have happened throughout the year.One of the most unforgettable moment is the gathering with buddies!After separating for as long as a year,we have finally able to meet up,sharing college lives,getting driving license,hooking up with girls/boys,not...

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