
Demons by Imagine Dragons

A friend of mine introduced me to this beautiful song by Imagine Dragons, which entitle "Demons". I am pretty sure that the title of the song disinterest you who will immediately relate it to heavy metal/rock stuff and feel uneasy about it *cos I felt that way initially haha*, but rest assured I not heavy metal type of person. It's pretty touching song...

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Icona Pop I Love It

When I first listened to this song, I am intrigued by not only its funky music where you would want to turn your volume to full blast, but also its simple yet catchy lyrics. There, after doing some research about the songs which was lingering in my mind for few days, I finally got to find the song's title, which is "I Love...

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Ajisen Ramen Malaysia

Being known as the "King of White Broth", it is not surprising to find Ajisen Ramen serving mouth-watering Tonkotsu soup, which is not only thick and creamy, but also contain collagen which is great for the skin! Hence, my and friends and I have decided to have our dinner at one of its outlets here in Malaysia! Upon glancing through the menu lists,...

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Thor The Dark World 2013

Today I am going to talk about THOR : THE DARK WORLD ! To be honest with you, I have never watched Thor 1.( I know i know, there comes the *boo* sound effect). So before entering the cinema, I was wondering whether Thor 2 will be closely linked to Thor 1 and worried that I would not understand the storyline. Turn out...

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Virgin America Safety Video

Virgin America Airline has recently launched a catchy video about the FAA-mandatory  safety instructions to its passengers! It is the first airline safety instructions that comes with music as well. How cool is that! The lyrics of the video is seriously catchy and you can sense trace amount of humor inserted in it! Enjoy the video below! :) For more information about Virgin...

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