
Taman Negara National Park Pahang Malaysia

Reception area Last week, I have been spending my time with four of my college mates,David Lee, Heah Jun Jie,Tan Tee Shen and Tan Yue Hau at Taman Negara Pahang Malaysia or simply known as National Park of Pahang Malaysia for three days and two nights. I had to admit that we were living in the most opulent resort available in the area,...

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Winter Break 2013

Courtesy of chibird.com I am deeply apologetic for the huge gap between my previous post and this one.For the past 2 weeks, I have been living a hectic life! Holy cow, times pass by without me even realising it, especially when during happy and joyful occasion! Yes, my winter break (more like study break) started in mid December and I managed to take...

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Happy 11.12.13

Courtesy of blog.ctnews.com Heelloooo! If you are oblivious to the date, today happens to be 11.12.13! So Happy 11.12.13 guys! This morning, I went to the government clinic to observe communication between doctors and patients and their performance! Hmm.... you could say that I was more like a auditor.There were some performance bias in the results albeit I achieved the objectives of the...

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Assignment One

 Helloo.This gloomy morning, I just received my assignment from the university.Upon looking at my devastating results, my world turned upside down. Never had I thought that I would ever obtain a nearly failed grade for my assignment. Alright, I knew that my English language was neither fluent nor bombastic as native speakers. However, I was taken aback by the poor grades given by...

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Tom Daley Reveals He Is Gay

Moments ago,Tom Daley has just posted  a Youtube video entitled "Tom Daley: Something I want to say..." . Turns out that he reveals that he is currently in a gay relationship!According to Tom, "I never really had serious relationship to talk about.Now I kinda feel ready to talk about my relationship.Come springs this year,my life changed massively, when I met someone and it...

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Paul Walker Is Dead

Yes you read it right and you are not simply having blurred eye-sight! #sad :( . On this terribly gloomy afternoon, Fast and Furious actor Paul Walker,40 and another friend of his died in a fiery car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide. Paul Walker was a passenger in his friend's new car,a Porsche GT when the...

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