
Cambridge A Level 2013 Results Day

Dear friends and readers and whoever that are receiving their Cambridge A Level 2013 November Results today, First and foremost, congratulations to each and every candidates, especially to those who have aced the papers. To those who have grades below their expectations, cheer up. Think on the bright side, you have tried your very best during examinations and feeling sad or angry or...

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Devil's Due 2014

Right, yesterday my friends and I went to the nearest movie theater to watch this movie, "Devil's Due". "Devil's Due is an American supernatural horror movie revolving one newly married couple and their lives and the whole most of the part of  it were shoot using a shaky video camera. It started of with the couple getting married and spent their honeymoon near...

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Happy Thaipusam 2014

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Hindu friends our there Happy Thaipusam Day! Also, for non-hindus ,I would like to wish happy holiday. Since today is a holiday, I grabbed the opportunity to wander around Johor, so my friends and I ended up at the largest mall in our area. Upon reaching, we made an unanimous decision to...

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Whole Wheat Bread Vs Whole Grain Bread

You might be constantly asking around, "hey what's the difference between whole wheat bread and whole grain bread? They look the same to me." and you will probably get this answer "Duh, both are breads and they taste the same. Just eat it." Today you are in luck readers because I am here to unravel the mystery of the bread #exaggeration. Whole grain...

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The Monster By Eminem Feat Rihanna

"The Monster" marks the fourth collaboration between Barbadian singer Rihanna and American rapper Eminem. This song is taken from Eminem's eight studio album , The Marshall Mathers LP 2. This song depicts the difficulties that Rihanna is going through with her inner demon, not to mention the aftermath of Eminem's fame. In my humble opinion, the song based of the collaboration of the...

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One Republic Counting Stars

Counting Stars is a song played by One Republic in their third studio album, "Native" 2013. This pop song was written by the lead singer Ryan Tedder and it hits Billboard Top 100 currently. This is definitely a must-listen-to song cause it is seriously nice! Not joking. Enjoy the song.Till then au revoir! :) Counting Stars lyrics [Chorus] Lately I been, I been...

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YOLO Trip Part 2 : Klang

Klang, a Royal City as well as former capital city of Selangor is indeed one of a place you must visit when you are in Malaysia. Well, there's some myths and facts you need to get it right when you are there! Things Ilearnt when I visited Klang:  Klang USED to be crowded by crows in the past decade. Now there is NO...

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DiGizens Thank You Sale

The person that I am most grateful of in life is none other than my very own mother. Since I was born, she have patiently nurtured me without any complains being made. She has sacrificed her time and money on me in order to raise me as a useful being in the future. I still remember that my mother would spend her hard-earned...

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Happy New Year 2014

Courtesy of www.collegeforglobaldeployment.org So many things had happened for the past twelve months. While some events may be unhappy ones, most of them were memorable ones. First, I had successfully graduated from college with flying colours (sort of) after going through months of hard work studying. On contrary, I have to leave my hostel as well as my housemates as they were my juniors...

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