
End Of First Year In Medical School

Courtesy of www.stjcon.org.in Once the time for the last paper is up, my first year has finally reach to its ending. Needless to say, I have endured one month of living in hell literally. With exactly similar routine each day, which were eating reading and sleeping continuously, I had no interaction with anyone throughout the entire month. Anyways, the pure agony started during the...

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2014 FIFA World Cup Song : We Are One (Ole Ola)

As the FIFA World Cup 2014 is commencing in just less than a month in Brazil, the anticipation are vividly tangible around the world with countdowns amongst the community and news in the social media. Also, let's not forget to mention about the 2014 FIFA World Cup Song : We Are One performed by Pitbull featuring Jennifer Lopez and Claudia Leitte! Just about...

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Nutella: European Vs American

When my peanut butter was about to finish, I went to the nearest store at my cousin's in Singapore to purchase new spreads. After much consideration, I decided to get Nutella since I have heard of its hazel-nutty flavour and creamy texture. Upon reaching the jam sections, I scanned the entire section in order to search for the hazelnut chocolate spread. Yes! The...

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Swiss Miss

I have taken some time to visit my cousins in Singapore last month. While I was wondering around the shopping mall nearby, I entered this minimart named "ABC Bargain Store" and planned to get some snacks to increase the inventory back in my hostel. Glancing through the available products, I noticed boxes of somewhat hot chocolate drinks with the price of only $SGD1.95...

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A Brief Hiatus

With the incessant onslaught of pressure due to upcoming first-year medical examination, I could barely provide myself a moment to update my blog. With the time ticking and piles of papers to revise, it is no doubt that I am nervous in all sense. Yes, having said that means I am definitely not the 24-hours-studying-type-of-guy. Neither am I a gamer nor an athlete....

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