
Transformers 4 Age Of Extinction

Hello whaddup guys and girls! Yesterday I went to the nearest cinema at my hometown with my friends ( actually there is just one MBO cinema at my area huhuh) to watch this recent and popular movie, Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction! Truth be told, probably a lil secret of mine to be shared, that I have yet watched the first Transforemers movie. Hence, the...

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Vienna International Seafood And Teppanyki Buffet Restaurant Singapore

Guys and girls, today I have spend my afternoon in Vienna International Seafood and Teppanyaki Buffet Restaurant ( due to my laziness, I decided to call it as Vienna Restaurant.)  Vienna Restaurant is located at basement of United Square. In order to reach there (by means of public transportation), hop on to a mrt and stop at Novena. Then walk along the underground...

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Almost Identical Twins

courtesy of answers2questionsofawoman.com Right guys, while surfing the internet today , I got to view this very interesting video! It is stated that there is a social stigma attached to chewing gum. But how far the truth is? An experiment has been done in this video in order to validate this statement. In the experiment , a number of twins were selected as...

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Looking For A Job

courtesy of www.fpsg.co.uk Today is just not my day. It was more like being totally wasted. This was partly due to fruitless outcome where I have spent whole morning and afternoon searching for potential jobs through the net, be it temporary or part time. Actually, I was trying to find some part time jobs in order to fully utilise my summer break and...

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FIFA World Cup 2014

Ole Ole Ole!FIFA fever is here! With just less than two hours, the first FIFA World Cup 2014 battle is going to start with match between Brasil and Croatia! I am pretty sure all the mamaks and coffeeshops with huge televisions screening live shows are going to be jammed packed! Although I am nowhere near compared to sports fanatics but I am definitely...

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Milk Is BAD For You?

courtesy of michigan.spoonuniversity.com courtesy of onegreenplanet.org As we all know, milk has been one of the main sources of calcium and truly beneficial for humans. BUT, you better think twice after reading through this post readers! Since babies are born, they are recommended to consume milk (presumably from mums) for at least six months, if not more. All too often we heard of...

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How To Convert FAT32 To NTFS?

What are FAT32 (File Allocation Table) and NTFS? Both are actually file systems created for keeping track of files in the hard disk. While FAT32 was initially created in 1977, NTFS on the other hand is created 20 years later. Frankly speaking, NTFS is a better file system due to several reasons. One of it is that NTFS allows you to transfer file...

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