
Third Year Winter Holidays

Image Source: andmagazinecastellon.com In just a blink of an eye, I am already half way through my medical school. Time passed by really quickly when you are busy with hospital visits, studies and assignments almost all the time. Third year semester one has been quite an intense semester as we are transitioning to clinical years. Every Monday till Thursday I have to wake up...

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10 Days In Melbourne Part 2

Day 2 The Koala Conservation Center - Phillip Island On the second day in Australia, my friends and I decided to take a trip to the Phillip Island! The first thing we did in the early morning were to collect our cars that we have booked from Budget Rent A Car, a car rental store which is located at the Franklin Street. Since...

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Aurora Aksnes, Half The World Away

Image Source: instagram.com/auroramusic/ Prior to the John Lewis's 2015 Christmas adverts, Aurora Aksnes was just a typical 19 years old Norwegian singer from Bergian, Norway, who was striving for a spot in the music industry. Through blogs and Soundcloud, she was already garnering a reputable number of fans who were intrigued by her soft and melodious voice. She then started to get attentions from...

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John Lewis Christmas Advert 2015, Man On The Moon

Image Source: johnlewis.com There is undoubtedly intense competition between retailers in the UK over their Christmas adverts each year. Each of them tries really hard to outshine one another by producing amazing videos to win their customers' hearts. In my opinion, I would say that John Lewis, as always, has produced a spectacular advert for this upcoming Christmas, "The Man On The Moon" where...

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Sia, Bird Set Free

Image Source: itunes.apple.com On 3 November 2015, Sia releases her second single, "Bird Set Free" from her seventh album, "This Is Acting". After keeping the release date of "This Is Acting" a mystery, Sia finally revealed the date which will be on 29 January next year as well as the album's cover image. Should you try to relate the song to Sia, you might...

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