
Too Good At Goodbyes, Sam Smith

Image Source: genius.com Image Source: genius.com Sam Smith recently releases his first single "Too Good At Goodbyes" from his second album "The Thrill Of It All" and it sounds simply amazing. The singer reveals that he wrote this song sometime last year when he was in London after having a break up with a guy he dated. He added that the song is actually focused...

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Can I Be Him, James Arthur

Image Source: acharts.co Image Source: coverlandia.net I cannot stop myself from listening to this song repeatedly. First of all, I was surprised to find out that James Arthur hails from Middlesbrough, UK when I was practically there doing my medical elective! All I know about him is that he is the winner of X Factor and nothing more than that. Turns out there were couple...

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Medical Electives in the UK

Picture credit: adampractice.co.uk After four months of inactivity in managing my blog, I am finally back to with updates! I have been enjoying myself in the UK for a bit, travelling and meeting as many places and people as I could throughout the four months. Having said that, I did not have time to come up with a post at all (or I was...

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Student Selective Component 3 - Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia

Image Source: thefourthplane.com I am delighted to share the news that I did my SSC3 which happened to be in the Cardiothoracic Anaeasthesia department in the United Kingdom! In the beginning of the 4th year, all the students are required to submit their names if they have plans to do their SSC in the UK. I was at first in the stage of dilemma...

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Student Selective Component 2 - Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Image Source: es.pinterest.com After a short 6 weeks stint in Orthopaedic department, I was allocated to Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) department for the next 6 weeks last February. I was intrigued by this field mostly because the department is really spacious with less beds, bright lighting and cold environment, not to mention staff who are over-friendly. Regardless of their positions, they tend to show...

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Student Selective Components 1 - Orthopaedic

Image Source: imgrum.org Hello!  This is perhaps my longest overdue post that I have ever written in years. I have practically been inactive in my blog for the past few months and I have so many things to share. As much as I want to blog new posts, I was always caught up with all sorts of things, be they academic or non-academic related....

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How To Apply For UK Student Visa For Malaysians

Image Source: visa-office.com I have been inactive for nearly two months already. Even though I have mentioned that I have passed my fourth year examination back in December last year, I am still trying to find a balance between study and life. At the moment, I am doing electives-like block called the Student Selective Components which I will further explain them in details in...

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Hardest Examination In Medical School

Image Source: pnbank.com.au Hey guys, Happy New Year 2017! 2016 has been a great year despite multiple obstacles were standing in the way and I hope 2017 will be a greater year than ever for all of us. I am aware that I have not been so active for the past month. It was simply because at that time I was sitting for the...

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