
SPM Is Over!

December 11, 2011

After going through thick and thin for a whole month,finally major exam is OVER! OFFICIALLY OVER!I should be feeling free and happy as my high school life has finally ended.No more school uniforms.no more school days.The utmost important thing in my lists is..NO MORE BOOKS!Yet,deep inside my conscious mind,I'm not really really as excited as I predict.Perhaps this is mainly because after graduated from high school,I feel less lifely and my social life is getting smaller and smaller.Most of my friends are either going overseas or migrating to other states to further their studies #foreveralone.Days passed like minutes.Wake up,eat,watch tv,sleep...and the routine continues the next day....how pathetic is my life =.=.omg.

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  1. Like what Ying said, try to find job to fill up ur time 1st..otherwise, do something good at least won't waste ur valueble time right

  2. -ying- and Maxloon Ban Leong : Thank you for your advice! =)
