
Happy 57th Independence Day Malaysia

MERDEKA! I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you Happy 57th Independence Day! Most of all, to Malaysia, a country where I was born and raised. Living in this beautiful place with diverse cultures and races for almost 20 years allows me to be a person to treat everyone equally, regardless of colours, ethnics and religions. In addition, I...

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Stay With Me by Sam Smith

Stay With Me is a song sang by British singer-songwriter Sam Smith. This single is in fact from his debut studio album In The Lonely Hour (2014). Written by both Sam Smith and Jimmy Napier, Stay With Me is a pop ballad that depicts the protagonist pleading against his partner not to leave him. Personally I feel the song sounds a little bit...

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Hearing Test

Hearing is one of the vital senses that human needs. While everyone realise that as we get older, the ability of hearing declines simultaneously. But have you ever wondered whether your ears are actually ageing at the 'standard pace', similar to people same age as yours? A little test from YouTube channel AsapScience will determine the age of your ears. It plays a...

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Maple Pancakes Recipe

Image via epicurious.com Today I did something extraordinary. Simply, something unthinkable. I made pancakes! No, I did not buy the pancake mix from the store and yes, I made them from scratch. I went to buy all the ingredients a day before, fearing that I would miss something during the process of making batter. Being a meticulous person, I ensure that I follow...

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2014 MTV VMA Winners

Apart from amazing performances made by artists in lavish clothing with various styles, most of them won awards such as Beyonce, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, just to name a few in the 2014 MTV VMA. Below is the full list of 2014 MTV VMA winners: Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award Beyonce Video Of The Year Miley Cyrus, "Wrecking Ball" Best Male Ed Sheeran, "Sing" Best Female...

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Chandelier by Sia

Chandelier is a lead single song by Australian singer Sia from her sixth studio album, 1000 Forms Of Fear. Both of the music videos and the album artwork are quite peculiar to me. In the music video of Chandelier, a young girl is seemed to be performing a dance or simply yoga-liked. I am utterly amazed by her flexibility and the poses that...

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How The Sun Sees You

As we all know, Ultraviolet or simply UV light increase the process of ageing of our skin. Furthermore, UV rays emitted from the sun is also one of the main culprit that elevate the risk of getting skin cancer. The YouTube video below demonstrates how our skin looked under UV rays. Through the rays, we are able to foresee our future skin condition...

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Malaysia's National Day of Mourning For MH17 Victims

#MalaysiaMourns Image via voanews.com Malaysia's government declares Friday, August 22 2014 as a National Day Of Mourning For Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Victims which crashed on Thursday when it was shot down while flying over Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine. "Today we mourn the loss of our people. Today, we begin to bring them home."- Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak A plane carrying coffins...

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Lucy (2014)

Lucy is a 2014 science fiction action film starred by Scarlett Johansson as the main character, Lucy as well as Morgan Freeman as Professor Norman Freeman. Lucy, 25 years old American girl studying and living in Taipei, Taiwan, accidentally caught in a dark deal where she was bring used to transfer a bag of drug called CPH4 which was forcefully kept in her...

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Taylor Swift Shake It Off

On August 18 2014, Taylor Swift announced her first single 'Shake It Off' from her latest fifth album '1989' ,which was the year she was born, during her worldwide live stream event on Yahoo! Both music video and the song were released on the same day, which a different moves compared to typical artists style where they will reveal their new song on...

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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

What is ALS? Amyotrophic Lateral Scelerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a non-contagious progressive neurodegenerative disease that affect nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the muscles via the spinal cord throughout the body. The degenerations of these motor neurons will cause loss of mobility, changes or complete loss of speech,...

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Johns Hopkins University Ends Partnership With Perdana University

World renowned Johns Hopkins University School Of Medicine has cut ties with Malaysian's Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine (PUGSOM) due to frequent late payments.The four years collaboration between Johns Hopkins University School and Perdana University has come to an end on 31st of July 2014. The top US medical school will no longer have any association with Perdana University Graduate School Of Medicine...

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Taking Selfies Everyday For 7 Years

Hugo Cornellier Isn't it amazing to see the changes that has occurred on your face in a time frame of seven years? No doubt you would need to have the determination to snap a photo of yourself every single day for that entire period. That is exactly what Hugo Cornellier did since he was twelve! At that time, #selfie is not even heard...

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Mother's Love

Through YouTube, I saw a heart-wrenching short film which has been viewed for nearly 3 million times. Based on a true story, this video portrays a mother's unconditional love for her children. Zhang Yu Lian (张雨连), is an old woman living in the suburban area. One day, she called her daughter, who lived in the city, and found out that she was feeling under the...

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Ngu Yi Qi of The Voice Of China Season 3

Image via budiey.com After competing against a staggering 550 talented contestants in Malaysia, Ngu Yi Qi emerged as the winner to represent Malaysia in the third season of Chinese reality talent show the Voice of China. Ngu Yi Qi  managed to win over other popular local talents such as Suki Low, Gary Yap and Winson Voon in the open audition which was held...

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Pianist Maan Hamadeh Wows Passengers At Prague Airport

Talented Lebanon pianist Maan Hamadeh performed an impromptu piano concert at Prague Airport to live up the environment, entertain bored passengers who were waiting for their flights. He played a remix of Beethoven's 'Für Elise' and Celine Dion's theme 'My Heart Will Go On' from the eminent movie 'Titanic'. In addition, Hamadeh played the Beethoven clssic in several different styles, getting cheers form...

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Perseid Meteor Shower and Supermoon

Supermoon. Image via nbcnews.com Perseid meteor shower. Image via nationalgeographic.com Astronomers and sky-watchers were all excitedly waiting for the annual Perseid meteor shower which occurred on the second week of August this year. Adding icing to the cake, the Perseid meteor shower also coincided with the perigee moon or simply known as Supermoon this year! Image via boston.com Every 133 years, the comet Swift-Tuttle...

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Robin Williams Dead

#RIPRobinWilliams 1951-2014 US legendary actor and comedian Robin Williams, aged 63, was found dead at his Northern California home on Monday. According to law enforcement officials, he apparently took his own life. Marin County police added that coroner investigators suspected the death was a suicide due to asphyxia. His publicist, Mara Buxbaum, stated that Robin Williams had been battling severe depression in the...

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Two Newcastle University Students Killed In Borneo

Left-Neil Dalton Right-Aidan Brunger On 6th of August 2014, two British medical students were stabbed to death in Kuching, Sarawak. Both of the students, Neil Dalton and Aidan Brunger, aged 22, were fourth year medical students in Newcastle University. They were on a six week work placement along with five other medical students in Kuching, which is the capital city of Sarawak, Malaysia....

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Sleep Guide

Generally, most of us have this idea that sleeping is only necessary for children. Even when I was a child, I thought that sleeping is the worst activity of all. Not only it deters me from enjoying myself, it also takes away my time where I could do other much-beneficial activities. However, as I grow older, the amount of my sleeping time gets...

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Ebola Virus Disease

Image via sciencemag.org Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a severe, often fatal disease in humans with a case of fatality rate of up to 90%. Being one of the most virulent disease, it mainly occurs in remote villages, particularly in Central and West Africa, near the tropical rainforest. It is the world deadliest to date and World Health...

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A Trip To Malacca!

The Stadhuys Jonker Walk Night Market Hello friends! Roughly about two weeks ago, my friends and I decided that we should plan a mini reunion as well as a trip together since we have not met one another for almost a year! Hence, after long discussions and negotiations amongst ourselves, we managed to plan a three days two nights vacation at Malacca! As...

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