
Learning German and French from Duolingo

Image Source: freebiesupply.com Now that I am done with university, I have all the time in the world to finally do stuffs that I have wanted to do when I was really busy with studies. One of them is to learn languages. Learning new language has always been my passion and for obvious reasons, I have not been able to squeeze more time out...

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Why Don't Newcastle University Graduates Wear Mortarboards?

Image Source: https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com At the moment, I am eagerly waiting for my graduation ceremony day to arrive. Although the result list was released back in mid June, the graduation ceremony for Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia falls on end of October. The timing is somewhat slow, considering that the graduation ceremony in Newcastle University is held in July. While I was scrolling through the ceremony...

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The End of Medical School

Image Source: www.ncl.ac.uk I have finally come to the last chapter of my undergraduate studies, the gruesome fifth (final year). It was undeniably challenging to an epic scale. During the start of the course, I was literally still in holiday mode after returning to Malaysia from the United Kingdom. Never mind that I was exhausted and suffering from jet-lagged after some 20 hours of...

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