
KLM Airline's Lost And Found Puppy Is A Marketing Stunt!

September 30, 2014

After the viral trend going around the globe, the hurting truth reveals #thesadtruth. The adorable beagle employee, Sherlock, that most of us have seen in the KLM Airline's Lost And Found Video is just a marketing stunt. There is no such puppy which is working for KLM Airline. For those who are oblivious to the news, there has been an advertisement done by the Royal Dutch Airlines portraying their cute recruit, a beagle which was responsible for discovering the owner's of the belongings that were left behind by the passengers at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam.  Sherlock the beagle, would sniff the items and track down the owners, returning the stuffs to them. However, Alex Herwig and Jeroen Thissen, the representatives at DDB & Tribal Worldwide, the agency which was responsible for the advertisement, confirmed to MediaBistro that Sherlock the dog was only employed for the purpose of the clip. Enjoy the video below showing the stunt made by Sherlock the beagle owned by the Dutch Airline KLM. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment below. Till then, au revoir! :)

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